Adding a New Way Of Thinking, to Your Already Existing Ways, has a way of opening you up to more information than you have now, and into A Belief that you can achieve that which you set your mind on. It opens up Opportunities. TFYT
Want growth? Want self-awareness? Want to challenge yourself? Try seeing things from another perspective. Try looking at a person from their point of view instead of from yours. Suspend you disbelief and pretend that there is another way to live, other than yours. Take a selfless approach and listen to the other person and actually hear what THEY are saying rather than anticipating what your response is going to be. It is simply an exercise in accepting another person for who they are rather than judging them for who you think they should be. This is a very Advanced TFYT and requires a desire to connect to the other person. Each person is responsible for their own part in this connection. It can not be one-sided and succeed. TFYT
Try looking at a person from their point of view instead of from yours. Suspend your disbelief and pretend that there is another way to live, other than yours.
Carrie Hadeed
When you take this kind of opportunity, you open up to new experiences yourself, adding to who you are without changing anything about your life other than you had an opportunity to learn something new about what someone else experienced and then apply it to yourself as you would like to. Again, this requires a desire to connect to another person with interest in them without your Ego taking over. Advanced TFYT
It allows you to walk in their shoes for a moment in time and feel how they are experiencing life. It is an opportunity to feel emotions such as compassion, understanding, empathy and gratitude for where they actually are without having to physically experience it for yourself. When you step back and detach your own expectations from an interaction you are having with another person you create an opportunity to feel what someone else is feeling which, if given a chance, can enrich your life. This enrichment is often underestimated and lost in self-absorption. TFYT