
TFYT: Tools for your toolbox that assist you in life
Program: Complete lessons and exercise guides
Mindset: Simple philosophies to live life by
Workshop: Group exercises
Core Foundational Element:


Limited Belief Recognition

Limited Beliefs are beliefs you have, that hold you back or limit you, from Achieving Your Desire. They are the perceived rules and consequences of what you can do with your life.

As you grow in age and mindfulness, retrospection and gratitude play a significant role in assisting you in recognizing what you are aware and capable of, refining your ability to identify and choose what it is you actually want to do now and deciding what beliefs and boundaries you are willing to hold yourself accountable to in this moment.

Only You limit yourself in actually doing what you want to do and you do that based on the perceived consequences you feel will be imposed because of the choice. The breakthrough come when you refine your beliefs enough to get you to where you want to go without falling in too many pitfalls along the way.


So don't be too attached to your beliefs. Beliefs are just models of reality, not reality itself. The fact is, you can't ever be certain that any of your beliefs are true.

Limited Belief Recognition is simply the ability to recognize that these beliefs are holding you back and that with the proper mindset and guidance, you can change the limited belief into a catalyst that propels you past the limitation – this is limited belief recognition.

Perhaps you can relate to some of these examples of what a limited belief is:

  • By myself, life is meaningless
  • I don’t have another choice
  • I am too old/young for that
  • I can’t trust anyone
  • I have to protect myself
  • I’d rather do it myself
  • I have to do everything myself
  • No one helps me
  • Who am I to do that?
  • I am an introvert
  • I am nothing
  • I’m not that smart
  • I’m stupid
  • I don’t question what I’m told
  • I don’t…
  • I can’t…
  • I won’t…
  • I should…
  • But, I’ve…
  • I’ll never…
  • I’ll always…
  • What if…
  • If only…
  • That’s the way it is
  • I don’t deserve…
  • That doesn’t happen to me
  • I’m to far in_______ to stop now
  • Finances are to confusing
  • I’m not good at that
  • I have no idea where to start
  • I can’t afford it
  • Money doesn’t grow on trees
  • You have to work hard for money
  • Money is the root of all evil
  • Rich people are a**holes
  • Running a business is to big for me
  • Bills overwhelm me
  • I’m buried in debt
  • People don’t change - a leopard doesn’t change it’s spots
  • You have to cheat or screw people in order to win
  • You have to pay your dues
  • I’m not tech savvy
  • I don’t have what it takes to do that
  • I feel like I am cheating people if I charge for things that can help them – I should just help them out of the kindness of my heart.
  • I have to be extra-nice to people so they like me.
  • So-and-so would kill me if I did that
  • I’m a Peacekeeper
  • What would so-and-so ever see in me?
  • I don’t have the energy to exercise
  • I’m bored
  • Life’s a b**ch and then you die
  • Finances are to confusing
  • I’m not good at _______
  • I have no idea where to start
  • Why don’t you…
  • That doesn’t happen to me
  • Im to far into______ to stop now
  • Id only______

The strongest beliefs are subconscious, and they are hard to drop because your brain is really good at finding selective evidence to support them. But your brain is subject to confirmation bias. If you believe your limited beliefs, your brain is likely to emphasize every example to support it while ignoring any opportunities to correct it.

So don't be too attached to your beliefs. Beliefs are just models of reality, not reality itself. The fact is, you can't ever be certain that any of your beliefs are true.

Here's the truth - If you take on a lot of negative beliefs about how the world works, or should work, the concept of truth loses value for you, and you will get in trouble at some point.

It is a choice

So to begin the tackle, the subconscious limiting beliefs need to be brought into the conscious mind and be consciously dealt with. It is a choice. Are you courageous enough to bust out of your limitations?

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