
TFYT: Tools for your toolbox that assist you in life
Program: Complete lessons and exercise guides
Mindset: Simple philosophies to live life by
Workshop: Group exercises
Core Foundational Element:


What's your WHY?


Tool: What is your Why?

When To Use It: When you are trying to make a good decision while being efficient and effective in achieving what it is, you actually want to achieve.

Why Use It: Determining your Why, identifies what you are going to focus on to decide what action steps you are going to take in order to fulfill your desire. Your Why is your purpose, your reason, your goal, your mission. It is the reason you are doing what you are doing.

How To Use It: Ask yourself what you are currently working towards? Where is all your attention currently focused? Are you taking steps that are getting you to what you want? Now ask yourself, am I working towards what I want or am I managing liabilities? Is what my attention on now, benefiting me? Am I doing what feels good in the moment but will limit my chances of getting what I really want, or am I going to sacrifice now to forge my path to abundance? Asking these questions will prompt more. Listen to what you hear in your mind and sort though it until you shake out some common themes and begin to identify what will really make you happy, content and joyful, then, if you have the courage, go after it!

Your Benefit: You will feel more motivated, productive, inspired and alive. When you find your Why, you find a key to your hidden treasure! Key TFYT.

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