
TFYT: Tools for your toolbox that assist you in life
Program: Complete lessons and exercise guides
Mindset: Simple philosophies to live life by
Workshop: Group exercises
Core Foundational Element:


Action Reduces Fear


Tool: Action Reduces Fear

WARNING: When you look your fear in the face and stand up to it, it dissipates. If physical assault will result in standing up to your fear, seek assistance. Fear of moving forward is a major cause in standing still. TFYT

When To Use It: When clarifying what next step you will take.

Why Use It: It motivates you to be on the other side of whatever you are afraid of. It encourages you to face your fears and deal with what you have to deal with in order to get to where you need to be for you to have what you ultimately want.

How To Use It: Breathe. Control your breathing. Ground and center yourself so you are calm and clear. Decide what your highest goal is – what you ultimately want above all else (yes, that’s big, but it’s important to start there!) and see if this move will be an asset or liability to your highest goal. If you choose to proceed, use the spirit and motivation of your highest goal, to focus on while you are going through the motions of getting through this action. Find your courage, confidence and good company to propel you through this moment in time.

Your Benefit: You will find yourself on the other side of the issue by having taken steps to move you forward, evolving the situation into something new, therefore allowing you a new perspective based on retrospection of the actions you have taken to determine where you are now.

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