
TFYT: Tools for your toolbox that assist you in life
Program: Complete lessons and exercise guides
Mindset: Simple philosophies to live life by
Workshop: Group exercises
Core Foundational Element:


Your Power


Tool: Your Power

When To Use It: In each moment you intentionally choose to live.

Why Use It: To expand an opportunity to be your best, most authentic self, in each moment you choose to, with the most effective and efficient tools that, when used appropriately, will exponentially catapult you towards your desires. Your Power breeds confidence, courage, clarity, self respect, self esteem and self control as well as influences other people. This influence is a power that few understand and utilize efficiently. It is a resource you already have, that can manipulate life’s course to guide it where you want it to go.

CAVEAT: Be careful what you wish for, you just may get it and when you do, you may be surprised by the other things that are going on that you didn’t pay any attention to before, because you were only focused on the goal. This is often an uncomfortable and disorienting moment because you hadn’t considered other aspects of the situation, usually due to denial and ego. Your Power is a dual edged sword, and when you are not careful in using it, it can cut you with your own choices and eliminate options you thought would be unaffected. This can catch you off guard and be life changing. It often shows you what you neglected, feeling it was not important enough to consider in the decisions you made to get what you wanted. Be aware that you can use Your Power for good or for bad, there are no double standards. The rewards and consequences are equally abundant. Karma will see to justice so you don’t have to. Namaste.

How To Use It: Understand this is only one of many many many different ways to show an example for this TFYT and represents only 1 small aspect of what Your Power really offers.

This is a basic understanding of how you can use Your Power to Achieve your Desires.

Faith Forever – Identify Your Power – Identify Your Perspectives
Core Up – Find Your Power – Find Self Control
Level Up – Choose Your Power – Choose Your Crossroads
New Chapter – Defend Your Power – Walk Your Walk
New Story – Redefine Your Power – Open to Transformation
Lessons to Blessings – Live Your Power – Accept the Changes

This is Your Power – Your vehicle to your destination. How you take charge of your thoughts, choices and actions directly impacts your results. There are more choices in life than there is candy in a candy store, remember, if you eat to much, you will end up feeling sick – life offers the same analogy. Balance is key.

Think about something you are passionate about; something you want so bad you can taste it. Something that consumes your being. Good or bad, right or wrong, doesn’t matter. The important thing here is, “This is what I want!” That’s what you need to identify. What you want. What matters most? What consumes you? How much time a day do you think about it? What do you do about these passionate thoughts? What are you not doing anymore that you did before you found this new passion? How are you refining your steps in action to change your current trajectory to end up at your new passion? How are you progressing in achieving your goals? Did you laser focus and exclude everything else to get what you wanted? Did you set your sights on a prize and stop at nothing until you got it? Did you let all your priorities shift to accommodate this new passion and dismiss anything that no longer served your newest passion? Did you compartmentalize to justify your new decisions keeping separations and distances from that which caused distress to your new endeavors? If yes, then that is why you were successful in achieving your goal, claiming your prize, getting the gold. You gave everything else up to pursue that which you wanted and that is why you had the energy you had to achieve that which you wanted to achieve – all propelled into action by emotion behind a thought. Now THAT’S POWER!!!! TFYT

This is where actions speak louder than words – the stronger vibration wins – below is an analogy to ponder.

Our negative thoughts can create anxiety, anger, resentment, jealousy—an array of emotions. Negative thinking is normal. However, if this way of thinking becomes incessant, it can lead to depression and self-destructive behavior like addictions, derailing us from what we want most in life. At minimum, negative thinking saps our energy, erodes our self-confidence and can put us in a bad mood. Certainly, many would agree that our thoughts come and go so quickly that it’s seems impossible to notice them, but with awareness and an attitude of self-compassion, we can redirect our negative thoughts to more positive ones.

Two Wolves

Two Wolves is a Cherokee Indian legend and illustrates the most important battle of our lives – the one between our good and bad thoughts.

Here is how the story goes: An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy.

“It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.” He continued, “The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too.”

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?”
The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”

Our thoughts can be our own worst enemy. That is, if we let them. Think about how you may be “feeding” your negative thoughts by allowing them to rule your mind. Next time you have a negative thought, catch it and ask yourself, “What is this thought doing for me?” You will find that the answer is that all they are doing is dis-empowering you. You can immediately feel more empowered by focusing on something good in your life and cultivate the practice of gratitude.

We can create greater peace, confidence and a more positive outlook by learning how to manage our thoughts. After all, this battle can be won because we have the power of choice!

Which wolf are you feeding? Remember, you always have a choice…

Your Benefit: You take charge of, become responsible to and are accountable for your thoughts, choices and actions catapulting you towards achieving your desires. You will feel more feelings through this experience than you could have imagined, gifting you with an opportunity to expand on how you are going to mold the 2nd half of your life. BOOM!!

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